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About us...

The Company The company Config Informationstechnik was founded as a cooperative society. Most of the members are from the Department of Computer Sciences 4 (Inf 4) at the Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nürnberg. The Inf 4 is responsible for research on operating systems and distributed systems.

Config has been active since May 1995. At this moment we have 28 members, who hold a corpus of € 48,750.

Our Goals The goal of our business is the transfer of technology to other companies. Our business is founded on our members' expertise, which is oriented on current research topics in computer science. We use this know-how in service-oriented projects to solve complex problems encountered by our clients.

We also strive to transfer the relevant knowledge to our clients to enable them to solve these and similar problems themselves. A major service we can provide in this field is training, in which we can transfer the relevant knowledge.

Config's work also covers copyrights and rights of sale, which we handle for our members.

Service We have high-standard, up-to-date technical knowledge in the areas of networks, distributed systems, operation of computer systems and in the field of object-oriented software development. Activities focus, in particular, on:
  • Computer Networks
    • Current Network Technologies, such as
    • Communication Protocols, e.g.
      TCP/IP, PPP
    • Planing of Networks
    • Network Management
  • Internet and Intranet
    • Security of Intranets, such as
      Firewall Solutions
  • Operation of UNIX Systems
    • Software Distribution
    • Use of Public-Domain Software,
      e.g. Webserver and Compiler
    • User Administration
  • Programming of Distributed Systems
    • Management of Distributed Applications
    • Use of CORBA Implementations
  • Software-Development
    • Programming Languages like C, C++, Java, etc.
    • Object-Oriented Analysis and Design
    • Unified Modelling Language (UML)
  • Modelling and Performance-Analysis
Courses and Seminars Our program of courses encompasses aspects of Object-Oriented Programming and Distributed Systems The following is a selection from our range:
  • Introduction to Object-Oriented Software Development
  • Introduction to Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with UML
  • Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming with C++
  • Introduction to Java
  • Introduction to Distributed Programming using CORBA
  • Introduction to the C Programming Language
Products The company also deals with matters concerning copyright and rights of sale of software products developed by our members.

For more detailed information about Config eG send e-mail to info@config.de
